Fire Safety Reminders

Please read the fire safety information below to prepare your chapter should a fire emergency arise. Thanks for all you do to ensure that your facility is safe for its members! Don’t hesitate to us know if you have any questions.

Life Safety

Fires can be chaotic, devastating, and even deadly within minutes of ignition. One way to protect yourself and the residents is to ensure the facility's life safety equipment is inspected regularly and functioning correctly. CSL will work with you to complete these inspections and any needed repairs.

Another way to ensure safety is to be certain everyone is prepared and understands what to do if a fire occurs. Conducting fire drills helps prepare for this potential disaster and can prove to be the difference between life and death.

Your organization needs your help to ensure each member's safety by conducting fire drills each semester. We also recommend reaching out to your local fire department for guidance, if needed.

See the link below for additional information on fire drills

Evacuation Routes

In the event of an emergency inside the chapter house, all residents and members must have an evacuation plan to keep themselves and each other safe. Planning and practicing for such an emergency is a critical step in this process. The first step is to have evacuation routes available at all times. These are floor diagrams with arrows that designate the quickest exit route in each area of the home.

If you need help updating or creating evacuation routes for your facility, please notify your Operations Manager immediately. If you already have detailed evacuation routes, please provide your Operations Manager with a copy.

Fire Extinguisher Training

It is a standard best practice that employees undergo fire extinguisher training at a minimum of once a year at their facility. Please obtain this training by reaching out to your local fire department to determine if they can support this. See below for more information and helpful links for fire extinguisher education.

Review the Occupational Safety & Health Administration's (OSHA) website for information on fire extinguishers and their use.

  • Watch the OHSA-produced video HERE to understand the use and limitations of the fire extinguishers in your facility.

  • Check with your local fire department to see if they assist with fire extinguisher training.

  • Ensure you are familiar with the location of every extinguisher throughout the facility and do a monthly visual check on all devices.

It is critical that everyone working in the facility is prepared and comfortable using a fire extinguisher properly in an emergency. Please take the necessary steps now to ensure this is the case in your home. If we can be of assistance in this process, please reach out immediately.