Hurricane Preparedness

Are you ready?

Preparing for a Hurricane:

  • Keep a supply of flashlights and extra batteries available. Avoid open flames, such as candles and kerosene lamps, as a source of light.

  • Keep a supply of bottled water and non-perishable food items.

  • Have the residents charge their cell phones and do try to use sparingly to save battery life in the event of a power outage.

  • Check exterior drains for debris so water does not back up and cause additional flooding.

  • If there is any damage to roof or gutters that your CSL Management team is not aware of, please report this to the Central Office as soon as possible.

  • Work with CSL Management to ensure that the exterior of the facility is appropriately secured. Bring in any items from the exterior of the house that are not firmly affixed to the ground.

  • If your access control cannot function during a power loss, designate a door for general use. This may also require someone to be available to allow access as needed.

  • Store valuables and important papers in a waterproof container on the highest level of the house.

  • If evacuation is a possibility for your area, ensure your car has gas and encourage the members to do the same.

  • Review your organization’s Crisis Management Procedures to ensure you are aware of all protocols and plans for communicating most effectively with all members.

During the Hurricane:

  • Listen constantly to the radio or TV for official instructions.

  • Stay inside and away from windows, skylights, and glass doors.

  • If power is lost, all electrical items should be unplugged, EXCEPT refrigerators and freezers, to reduce the likelihood of a power "surge" when electricity is restored. Do your best to minimize the number of times that the refrigerators and freezers are opened to reduce food loss.

  • If there is a loss of power and/or phone and your fire panel loses communication, contact your CSL Operations Manager for instructions on implementing fire watch procedures.

If Evacuation is Necessary:

  • Leave as soon as possible. Turn off the electricity and the main water valve. Ensure that all doors are properly secured so that no resident may reenter the house until after the all-clear has been given.

  • The House Director should notify the local advisors, Headquarters, CSL Management, and the University’s Sorority and Fraternity Affairs office when the house will be closed.

  • Follow your Organization’s Crisis Management Procedures for communication and locating members.

After the Hurricane:

  • If you have evacuated, return to the house only after authorities advise that it is safe.

  • Avoid loose or dangling power lines and report them immediately to the power company, police, or fire department.

  • Inspect the house for damage. For insurance claims, please take pictures of the damage to the house and its contents. The House Director should notify Inter/National Headquarters, CSL Management, and local advisors of the home's damage.

  • If you smell natural gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise, leave the building (if able, leave the door open on your way out) and call the gas company immediately. If the gas is turned off for any reason, it must be turned back on by a professional.

  • Open windows and doors to ventilate and dry the house.

  • Do not turn on electrical appliances if wet.

  • If you see sparks or broken/frayed wires or smell hot insulation, turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. If you must step in water to reach the main power supply, do not proceed, as this will require professional assistance.

  • Check for sewage and water line damage. If you suspect sewage lines are damaged, avoid using the toilets and contact CSL Management. If water pipes are damaged, contact CSL Management and avoid using water from the taps. Monitor the safety of drinking water by staying in contact with local officials.

  • Check refrigerated foods for spoilage. Remove all spoiled food, inventory it, photograph it and discard it. Please keep this information as it will be needed for any insurance claims.

  • Contact the communication point for the chapter when it is straightforward for them to return to the house.

The advice and information above is provided by CSL Management, LLC as a courtesy to inform its clients of recommended best practices in the subject matter addressed. CSL Management, LLC assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages arising from or related to its clients’ following or failing to follow such practices, and CSL Management, LLC assumes no responsibility to update this information.